Kitchen Kingdom Logo

Game Design — 2020

Kitchen Kingdom

Changing the conversation from intimidation to inspiration for girls in STEAM.

Tools: Illustrator, After Effects, Unity, Sketch


An underrepresentation of girls in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) related fields persists. An argument often stated is that women are not biologically designed for STEM but it has been scientifically proven that the differences are minuscule on female aptitudes to STEM. Thus proving biological differences do not explain the lack of women in STEM, but rather an embedded gender bias in our cultural expectations and traditions have deterred girls at a young age from following a STEM pathway. Girls are often brought up to believe that STEM are masculine topics and are less inclined to enter STEM fields because they perceive particular occupations as inappropriate for their gender.


Young girls in North America are not pursuing STEM interests as current resources are ineffective in attracting and retaining female learners. The integration of the arts into STEM (STEAM) and early exposure to learning resources in childhood is necessary not only for developing innovative skills but also improving female interest and challenging pervasive gender biases. The attention on art, creativity and design within the STEM concepts is a natural fit as children are more likely to explore and experiment. Kitchen Kingdom is a game targeted to young girls that integrates STEAM topics through interactive and engaging lessons.



STEAM toys and games in general are targeted towards boys, leaving few options for girls and/or not created with the interest of girls in mind.


Graphic Toolbox

Final Deliverables

Website Mockup

Game Screen
Game Screen
Game Screen
Game Screen
Game Screen
Game Screen
Intro Screenshots

Game Screen
Game Screen
Game Screen
Game Screen
Game Screen
Game Screen
Gameplay Screenshots

Trailer Video